Monday, October 15, 2007

Betsy does business (class)

Betsy does business (class), originally uploaded by betsybeth76.

Somewhat blog behind so a update on New Yorks trip which started with an upgrade to business - champage and lovely treats all the way....

We had a fab time, Washington was cool and it was nice to be a bit more chilled than last time. Both of the munchkins were on fab form, we talked and laughed and ate and wandered about.

I had a small div when we got home because it was my birthday, i got lovely cards and presents, i had a lovely day by the sea wtih my parents and ian... the problem? Neither K nor O got me card, this sounds lame, I sound like a 13 year old girl, but it really hurt my feelings. I want crazy for K's birthday, I spent ages on planning and sorting her party so i felt kind of let down that they didn't want to bother with mine - silly huh, you'd be amazed by the stuff that can upset a 31 year old woman. : )

However, whizz, twizzle, squeek... that is the sound of me adjusting my niceness probes and antenna - i will back on Mary Poppins form spit-spot....

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