Wednesday, September 19, 2007

In Montmatre even the angels drink champagne

Paris - only three weeks ago and it all seems like a very long time ago, i am at home, it is raining, i am working from home and feeling devoid of social interaction, by back hurts, MrD is in London until tomorrow night, i want to sleep, there is laundry everywhere, i don't want to cook and i need to hoover... : ( poor me, i wish i was in a cosy bar in flipflops with a Leffe...


Helen Harrop said...

welcome back to blogland :-) Don't do the hoovering, it's evil and noisy and means you have to pick things up off the carpet first - boo hiss!

It must be months since I've checked on your blog, how funny that you've just updated it the other day :-) I really want to get back into mine and get some of these clogged up words out of my head :-)

Hugs to you sweetie and can't wait to see you again! It's Mark's first day back at Uni on Monday so keep an eye out for him wandering around like a little lost lamb :-)

Katy said...

Hello sweet Lily. Thank you so much for the most beautiful jumper ever. It is thankfully slightly large and so C is working hard to grow into it for the Christmas season. She has wonderful blue eyes which the jumper highlights very well so she is muchos pleased. I am fine that it is wash at 30 because I do most washes at 30. I may even wash it by hand only as it is so very special. Am madly packing for Spain tomorrow and I believe you are taking a bite out of the big apple so I will speak to you on all our returns.
Much Love xxxxxxxxxxxx