Wednesday, October 18, 2006

52 Figments Skidd

You’re a pixie
You are a princess in hotpants circa 1995
You think your nose is too big
You have the best hair
You are gold and glittery and shiny
You are sequines
You are pyjamas and stilettos
You are Uma Thurman
You are Worchester Sauce french fries
You will not never ever eat cheese
You are Rouge Noir and french manicure
You have seen me at my worst and you have help me be my best
You are a wife and a mother (and I will never get used to it)
You have looked pain full in the face
You are dignified
You are always late
You are generous and you are kind
You never have a plan
I do not know how you are so strong
You are wiser than I give you credit for
You send cards
You never forget
You have held on to me
You are more beautiful than you will ever know

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